Our Values
Our values are at the heart of who we are, what we do and how we get there.
The belief and confidence in the competence and reliability of others
- Transparent communications (internally and externally)
- Courageous leadership
- Empowering our employees
- Placing faith from the outset
Reliability and responsibility
- Deliver on commitments
- Take initiative
- Make it happen – For all stakeholders (patients, employees, shareholders)
- Can do attitude
Leverage skills of all and support each other
- Collaboration
- Synergy: the sum should be greater than the sum of the parts
- Together, we make a greater difference
- Together, we get there faster
Hearts and minds
Smarts and passion can overcome all obstacles
- Balance of intellectual quotient and emotional quotient
- Leverage our collective knowledge and passion
- Recognition and celebration of achievements
- Innovate to push boundaries
- Pride in what we do and in our company
Good citizenship
Positive contribution to society and community
- With patients interests in mind
- With employees interests in mind
- With our communities interests in mind